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SBE Certification

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Why Do I Need a SBE Certification?

Federal Government Buys Over $500 Billion Dollars a Year In Goods And Services.

What do they buy?...Just about everything! 23% of all Federal contracts need to go to certified small businesses. That's over $115 Billion dollars slated just for you.

Those contracts need to go to small minority-owned, woman-owned, veteran-owned, disadvantaged business, and 8a certification.

You get increased access to government contracting, City, State, Local, and private sector opportunities. Set-aside and Sole-Source contracts - some contracts are set-aside exclusively for certified small businesses and some are set-aside for one specific small business, it's called a sole-source contract. 8a certification benefit allows you to pursue even more opportunities.

Ability to be a prime contractor or you can subcontract on larger projects that are required to source work from qualifying small businesses

Access to customers who buy goods and services in larger quantities and who pay on time! Access to financial assistance, loans, start-up funding. Access to networking opportunities, procurement staff, training, educational and technical assistance and 8a contractor school.


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What is SBE Certification?

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Small Business Enterprise Certification or SBE Certification explained

SBE Certifications also called Small Business Enterprise Certifications are special designations designed to ensure that a business is owned, controlled, and operated by applicants in specific categories. Small business owners identified in these specific categories get preferred access to the largest buyers (Federal Government, City, State, and Local government, as well as Corporate/Private Sector).

There are a number of programs designed to help small businesses succeed and these special designations (8a certification, WBE, MBE, others) can be used to get you a seat at the table and the opportunity to make larger sales to a much broader audience.

Watch a brief seven minute video about the benefits of getting your 8(a) or other SBE Certification.

Who Qualifies?

Small business owners who qualify to take advantage of SBE Certification include:




Disabled Veterans 

Disadvantaged business enterprise 

*Small Business Certifications like 8(a), HUBZone, and others each have certification requirements. There are a number of State and Local programs that do not require U.S. citizenship but may require legal residency/green card

What's so special about SBE Certification?

SBE Certification Benefits: Most local government offices give preference or set-aside contracts to minority owned business (NMSDC), women owned business (WBENC), veteran owned business, disabled veteran owned business. and small disadvantaged business (DBE) enterprises.

Typical timeline for certification can take anywhere from 60 to 120 days depending on the certification. Some in as little as 30 to 45 days.

Average cost range to apply from $150 to $250

What's the difference between Social and Economic Disadvantaged?

Social Disadvantage means an individual who is a member of a presumed group: Black or African American, of Hispanic origins, Native American: a Native of Alaska or Hawaii, or certified member of a federal state recognized Indian Tribe; Asian Pacific origins

Economic Disadvantage means in general terms, excluding the primary residence and ownership in the applying firm, a socially disadvantaged individuals whose personal net worth does not exceed the current SBA's standard

Be cautious of offers to Certify you and your company?

Be cautious of offers to certify you. These offers can charge thousands of dollars claiming they can certify you. Don't be fooled into to paying out these large sums of money. ONLY authorized certifying agencies can certify you as a Small Business entity that is nationally recognized. Only federal, state, local government agencies and a select few non-profit organizations are authorized to process certain applications for certain small business enterprise certifications. You need to know who they are. Want to know more...

Be cautious of offers to get you certified

Don't get scammed by offers to certify you. They can charge thousands of dollars claiming to certify you, but don't be fooled. ONLY authorized certifying agencies can certify you as a Small Business that's recognized. Only federal, state, local government agencies and a few select organizations are authorized to process applications for certification. You need to know who they are.

SBE Certification Dashboard


The US Government is the largest buyer of goods and services and spends over $500 Billion Dollars each year.

In 2020, Federal contracting spent $681 Billion Dollars, the highest amount on record! Small Businesses won $145.7 Billion Dollars in contracts.

You might ask, what does the government buy.... just about EVERYTHING! The Small Business Act of 2013 established that 23% of all prime contracts be awarded to small businesses each year. Best of all... you get paid in under 30 days, on time, every time if you paperwork's in order!

If contracting with the Federal Government is not already a part of your sales strategy, then you're missing out and leaving money on the table.

Did you know that Non-Profits can participate in federal contracts? Many 501(c) 3 organizations today can perform work for the Federal government and bid on contracts, and they do.


Access to large Corporations, City, State, and Federal Government buyers committed to partnering with small businesses like yours
Access to government Set-aside contract awards up to $150,000
Access to Sole-source Awards that must be awarded directly
Direct and Subcontracting opportunities - the size of your company doesn't determine if you're eligible for lucrative contracts
Attend premiere networking events, 8a contractor school
Access to top corporate and government purchasing agents
You get access to searchable supplier databases
Access to specialized loans and financing vehicles
Mentoring programs, educational seminars, webinars, professional training and consulting services as well as technical assistance

Small Business Certifications

51% owned and controlled by Black or African American, Hispanic, Native American, Asian Indian/Pacific, Native Hawaiian, or Eskimo, and a U.S. Citizen. 

Having met the MBE criteria helps you get that much closer to the 8a certification requirement as well. Our training program is like an 8a contractor school. 8a certification cost is lower than most with our program. 

WBE/WOSB/EDWOSB - Woman Owned Business Enterprise Certification(s)

WBE - Woman Owned Business Enterprise

51% owned and controlled by one or more women who are U.S. citizens.

WOSB - Woman Owned Small Business

51% owned and controlled by one or more women who are U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident and small by SBA standards

EDWOSB - Economically Disadvantaged Woman Owned Small Business

Having met WBE criteria helps you get that much closer to the 8a certification requirement as well.

51% owned and controlled by one or more women who are U.S. citizens and are economically disadvantaged

51% owned and controlled by Veteran(s) and small by SBA standards. Having met the Veteran criteria helps you get that much closer to the 8a certification requirement as well.

51% owned and controlled by service-disabled veteran(s) and small by SBA standards. Having met the Veteran criteria helps you get that much closer to the 8a certification requirement as well.

51% owned by U.S. citizens or owned by Indian Tribal government, Alaska Native corporation, Native Hawaiian organization with it's principal location in a HUBZone area. 35% of employees must live within a HUBZone area.

8a certification requirement is 51% owned and controlled by economically and socially disadvantaged U.S. citizens including: Minorities, Women, Veterans, people with disabilities, LGBT, and other businesses considered disadvantaged. Our 8a certification services can't be matched as 8a certification cost can be in the 000's if you use an outside vendor. Our 8a certification services benefits consultants, business owners & entrepreneurs

Have Questions or Need Help Deciding?

Contact Us

Not sure how to go about obtaining a small business enterprise certification, if you're eligible or what to choose....you're not alone. 

Getting certified can be confusing and you don't want to spend countless hours trying to figure out what you need to do. Certification benefits are worth it! We are here to help get you certified and avoid costly mistakes. 

Use this contact form and someone will reply shortly. 

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